Monday 10 March 2008

Comment 1

This comment was left on in response to a debate whether shoplifting should be considered a serious crime or not.

Jess said...
I completely disagree with many of the comments left above. Shoplifting is as serious as muggings. I work in a shop where the amount of shoplifters that we get is much higher than the average.I have personally had to deal with various shoplifters, this has resulted in verbal and physical assault to myself. I have been threatened, I have been followed home, I've had one customer make a move to hit me and mounds and mounds of verbal abuse.I can tell you now, there's nothing petty and nice about shoplifters as was suggested in a few comments, they are criminals, prepared to go to any length it takes to get the goods they want.
10 March 2008 10:31

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